Computerized visualization of the Russian language picture of the world

P. Zhang, V. P. Zakharov


The article deals with the visualization of the Russian language picture of the world. The linguistic picture of the world is an idea of the world that has developed in the ordinary consciousness of a given linguistic group. The concept is the basic element of the linguistic picture of the world, which can be realized in a word, phrase, statement, discourse, text, etc. Semantic fields, with which you can describe the lexical system of the language, are reflections of concepts. There are many ways to represent semantic fields: the RusVectōrēs service, the word cloud, etc. The analysis of vocabulary interpretations of words in which a given concept is reflected is one of the main methods of concept presentation. In the article, we analyze the Russian language picture of the world on the example of three concepts: empire, state, power, using dictionary entries of the words empire, state and power from different linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries. The paper describes various ways of visualizing semantic fields. Tag clould is considered as one of the important ways to visualize semantic word fields, which reflect concepts. In this study we also describe the thesaurus in Sketch Engine.

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