Modern approaches to the organization of public transport passenger traffic monitoring in urban agglomerations

D. V. Petrova


This article describes modern approaches to organizing the monitoring of passenger traffic of public transport in urban agglomerations within the framework of the concept of a “smart” city. The specifics of the transport infrastructure of the urban metropolitan area of Moscow and its main features are considered. The key problems of the transport infrastructure of the city of Moscow that can affect the effectiveness of monitoring passenger traffic in urban agglomerations are highlighted. To solve the problems considered, it is proposed to develop and implement an information system for monitoring passenger traffic of the Moscow metropolitan area. The most effective methods and models for organizing real-time monitoring of passenger traffic are considered. A comparison is also made of the main methods and models for monitoring passenger traffic in real time, the most effective methods for monitoring passenger traffic that can be applied to the transport infrastructure of the Moscow metropolitan area are identified. The article also discusses modern solutions in the field of monitoring passenger traffic, their advantages and disadvantages. The article formulates the concept of an information system that allows for effective monitoring of passenger traffic in urban agglomeration in real time. The concept considers the main features of the information system, its tasks and architectural solution in the framework of real-time monitoring of passenger traffic in the urban metropolitan area of Moscow.

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