To the question of the content of the concept and of ontology of the Digital Energy Industry and of its legal image

Igor Ponkin, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Ekaterina Semenova, Dmitry Ponkin, Alena Redkina


This article is devoted to the study of the concept of digital energy. It is noted that “digital ontologies and spaces” are called the principal part of the architecture of the fourth industrial revolution (the so-called “Industry 4.0”). The article reveals the essence of scientific discussions around the concept and ontology of digital energy. It is shown that the digital economy is based on information models of assets, such as buildings, structures, infrastructures and other assets with a full life cycle, but it has very significant elements of completion. The authors propose their own definition of the concept of digital energy. The article shows the features and disadvantages of the regulation of digital energy in the Russian Federation. The authors of the article present a conceptual pairing of digital ontologies in energy industry and energy law. The article gives a brief insight into the energy right, presents the author's concept of explaining the concept and the subject area of energy law. The authors address trends in the mechanisms for the future development of energy law. The article studies the ontological standards of the "Energy Internet". The authors reveal the content and nature of the concept of the "Energy Internet", give its logistical justification. The article offers the author's interpretation of the concept of "Energy Internet".

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