Analysis of user satisfaction level on cashcloud.Id system with system usability scale method and Spearman's rank correlation
Abstract system is one of the Software-as-a-Services (SaaS) platforms that can support users' business operations in conducting sales transactions. The problem faced by system service providers is the level of user satisfaction that has not been measured. In this study, a measurement of the level of user satisfaction in using the system will be carried out and testing will also be carried out to determine the effect of age factors and educational background on the level of user satisfaction in using the system. The data collection method used is an online Likert-scale questionnaire through Google Form with a total of 46 respondents. The selected respondent criteria are determined based on the history of using the system for transactions for 3 months (August - October 2022). The results of the questionnaire were processed using the System Usability Scale l (SUS) method to measure the level of user satisfaction and Spearman's Rank to measure the relationship between the age factor and the user's educational background to the level of satisfaction with using the system. The measurement results of l46 users obtained an average score of 52.6 with Acceptability Ranges "Marginal-Low", Adjective Ratings "OK", and Net Promoter Score (NPS) "Detractor", which indicates that users are not quite satisfied with the use of the system. Meanwhile, the results of the Spearman's Rank significance test show that there is no correlation between age and educational background factors on the level of user satisfaction
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