Method for digital determination of the coordinates of the measuring complex when performing measurements in a closed room
The article describes in detail an effective low-cost method for determining the three-dimensional coordinates of an object indoors, applicable for isolated rooms and does not require preliminary measurements or marking. The existing approaches to solving the problem on the required scale are analyzed in detail. The lack of tools for automated determination of the coordinates of the measurement point inside the room is shown, the relevance of the problem under consideration is justified. A mathematical method of solving by three-dimensional triangulation by known distances from the reference points of the measuring basis and its physical implementation based on automated measurement of delays in the passage of an electromagnetic and acoustic signal is formulated. An original method of calculating the distance by time delay based on rapid calibration is proposed, eliminating the need for additional sensors to monitor the parameters of the air environment. A step-by-step algorithm for implementing the method based on industrial Internet of Things technology is described.
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Abava Кибербезопасность MoNeTec 2024
ISSN: 2307-8162