Model of stability provision and methodology for assessing the stability of big technical systems during operation
Methodological solutions for improving the management of sustainable operation of big technical systems in adverse conditions are presented. The article proposes a model of stability of big technical systems in a form of a set of interdependent tables and criteria of systems’ stability that describe a system’s condition under the destructive influence. The model describes states of a system’s stability by means of unified tables. The model presents dynamics of a state of stable functioning of a system based on changes of values of the quality indicators. The model forms basic data for its systematic application in the methodology to calculate a complex indicator of a system’s stability. The method described in the article presents an approach to assessment of a technical system’s stability based on the calculation of the criterion of effectiveness of a complex system when dividing the system’s elements into three functional groups. To apply the method on practice the author proposes to use a specially designed software. The main positive effect from the application of the proposed method is a considerable decrease of time and resources needed for assessing stability, for modeling the processes of ensuring the stability of systems and a possibility of software realization of a rational processing of information in the process of management of big technical systems’ maintenance.
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