About automatic generation of commit messages in version control systems

I.A. Kosyanenko, R.G. Bolbakov


In the modern world, no software development project is complete without the use of version control systems to track changes in data. The version control system is especially important in teamwork, when work on different parts of the same project is delegated to several developers. It is necessary to describe the changes made with their context in a relevant way, while fitting them into the restrictions set by the version control system itself (for example, git allows you to put only 72 characters in a commit message). Nevertheless, the process of describing or commenting on changes is still a routine, non-automated task, which developers often do not pay due attention to. The use of modern methods of natural language processing (or other models and methods that allow generating descriptions of changes in natural language based on the source code) can help developers save time on writing up-to-date messages to commits and maintain the correctness of the repository of source code versions.

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