About LL(1)-grammars, algorithms on them and methods of their analysis in programming

S.V. Kozlov, A. V. Svetlakov


The article discusses the theoretical foundations of parsing, namely, the definition of LL(1)-grammars and proves the key positions associated with them for practice. The authors demonstrate the impracticality of the proof by definition that context-free grammar is an LL(1)-grammar. In view of this, a theorem is formulated and proved that sets the criterion of LL(1)-grammar. First and follow sets are constructed, which determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of LL(1)-grammar. Examples show the application of the formulated criterion. The central point of the article is the question of finding grammars equivalent to LL(1)-grammar. A number of statements are considered to reveal that the grammar being analyzed is not an LL(1)-grammar. In particular, two necessary conditions for the existence of LL(1)-grammar are analyzed. Namely, theorems that if a grammar contains a left recursion or a right branching, then it is not an LL(1)-grammar. The example shows that these conditions are not sufficient. Two methods for analyzing LL(1)-grammars used in practice are discussed and compared: the recursive descent method and the emission-transfer method. For each of the methods, its meaningful description and implementation in pseudocode is given. All the provisions of the article are accompanied by the necessary examples. The relevance of the article is associated with the search and study of parsing algorithms for grammars of natural and artificial languages, which are successfully used as tools for writing pattern recognition systems in the field of artificial intelligence.

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