Principles and Approaches to Ensuring the Functional Safety of Computing and Communication Systems Components

O.Ya. Bezhaeva


- In this paper, the principles and approaches to ensuring the functional safety of computing and communication systems components are formulated. The properties of defects as varieties of complex controlled systems are considered. The conceptual basis of the research is a systematic combination of proactive, active and reactive approaches to the management of defects of different nature. The consideration of defects as a variety of complex systems creates a methodological basis for the scientifically based adaptation of approaches, methods and models that have proven themselves in solving problems of complex systems management of a different nature in the field of functional safety management. As an example, the paper shows architectural models that characterize various aspects of functional safety. Architectural models form the basis for solving direct tasks of ensuring functional safety: the study of problem situations, caused by the presence of various defects in the organization of projects and in software products. Within the system approach, the conceptual foundations of ensuring the functional safety of computing and communication systems components are formulated.

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