Technologies for extraction, explication and analysis of multimodal contextual knowledge in the study of the formation of the terminological base of the interdisciplinary research direction "Informatization of scientific activity"

Dmitry Prokudin, Olga Kononova


Digital transformations, which are the basis for the development of modern society, often outstrip the processes of transformation of science.  At the same time, they force science to constantly improve both technologies and software tools used in research. In addition, the development of Informatization and digitalization processes leads to the formation of new interdisciplinary scientific directions that reflect the dynamics of social development. Today, there are already established areas of use of information and communication technologies in scientific activities. However, "Informatization of scientific activity" as an integral direction of scientific research has not yet been formed. Therefore, the research is aimed at identifying the main thematic areas that make up the direction of interdisciplinary research "Informatization of scientific activity", determining the core of its terminology base. Based on the application of the approach developed by the authors (synthetic method) to research on the development of topics and the conceptual and terminological landscape of interdisciplinary scientific areas, the main term concepts involved in the formation of the thesaurus are identified. The terminological landscape of the research area is also clarified by identifying the contexts and semantic shades of the terms of the core of the research area.

The study established the multimodality of contextual knowledge used in scientific research. A primary analysis of the representation of non-text modality contexts is performed.

The study was based on data obtained from various digital sources that represent scientific publications over the past 10 years. Voyant-Tools and Sketch Engine systems are used as tools for explication and analysis of contextual knowledge.

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