Analysis of Fibonacci Numbers Calculations Using Static Programming and Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Get Optimal Time Efficiency

Ventryshia Andiyani, Wirawan Istiono


Fibonacci numbers are simple numbers that are the sum of two consecutive numbers. There are many methods and many way to get Fibonacci result to solve many problems in real life or programming problem, in this research will determine the optimal time efficiency to solve the problem of calculating Fibonacci numbers, either by using static programming algorithm, such as recursive algorithm or with the dynamic programming algorithm, such as top-down approach algorithm and the bottom-up approach algorithm method. The problem-solving strategy is performed by calculating the execution time required by the three algorithms to get accurate results using C language with many various counts of inputs. From the comparison of Fibonacci search methods, it was found that by using the Dynamic programming method with a bottom-up approach the algorithm has a more optimal efficiency than the top-down approach from dynamic programming or from static programming with a recursive algorithm

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