Analysis of the state of industrialized territories from the waste management point of view based on the provisions of the convergent management theory
The article discusses the issues of information support for the development of effective management strategy of municipal solid waste based on cognitive modeling, the provisions of convergent management and GIS.
The proposed approaches can be used as basis for developing the components of the information systems for decision making support with using the provisions of the theory of convergent management, taking into account the interests of various parties: representatives of public authorities; business; scientific community; public organizations.
The use of the apparatus of cognitive maps for describing the highlighted problem situation is proposed. The formation of a complex indicator of the municipal solid waste management system condition in the territory under consideration from the point of view of the identified target groups is shown. The application of the zoning task for analyzing the state of the investigated territorial system and displaying the results using GIS-modeling is proposed.
As an example of using the proposed approaches, target groups of users for the management of municipal solid waste in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan were identified and the condition of the region from the point of view of the negative impact of waste on the environment was analyzed based on the classification of the territory of the republic by a set of significant factors for the selected management entities.Full Text:
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