Analysis of models and principles of system modeling for solving a multi-criteria decision-making problem
In the current conditions of the development of the information society, the problem of the formation of high-quality decision-making among the proposed alternatives is one of the priorities, due to the fact that this area of human activity is due to a significant semantic load for the decision-maker, since the simulated procedures of complex structured analysis are associated with many aspects of management such as: analysis, management, delegation, planning, distribution, reflection, etc. System Waste as part of multi-criteria analysis, is repelled by the total set of techniques and methods for constructing complex structured study. The following mathematical modeling methods are considered in the work: the AHP method, the decision matrix method of G. S. Pospelov, the PATTERN method, the information approach of A. A. Denisov. The process of making complex structured decisions related to the complexity of perception and implementation in solving specific practical problems, in view of the large share of subjectivity and uncertainty of simulated operations, is investigated. The basic concepts of decision theory and related aspects of the synthesis of quality decisions are presented. Within the framework of the indicated parameters of decision theory, a sequence of procedures for organizing the solution of a complex structured decision-making problem is proposed. In the form of the work performed, the principles of mathematical modeling and the methods of mathematical research, as well as the application of a systematic approach to solving the decision-making problem are considered. On the basis of which, a complex of system models of multicriteria analysis has been formed, which allows performing expert analysis in solving a specific practical problem.
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