On smart technologies in ports and shipping as linked digital twins for shore and ship in a multimodal environment

Aleksander Klimov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Vyacheslav Alenkov, Кonstantin Anisimov, Alexey Volodin, Julia Kupriyanovsky


This article deals with the digital transformation in shipping. One of the main today's tasks that the shipping industry has to face is the need to adapt to the digital age. Digital or intellectual delivery is already here, and it will change the model of this business management.  At present, all shipping companies strive to make their ships more efficient and better adapted to the realities of today. Although everyone is trying to improve ship efficiency, too little attention is paid to port efficiency. Obviously, there are huge reserves for improving the efficiency of ports. The introduction of intelligent devices capable of real-time data exchange has changed various business models and supply chain operations management. However, ports often do not provide all the information required for efficient ship operations. Ports, on the other hand, often do not have the information they need for efficient service; when a vessel arrives, whether it is delayed, or when it does not arrive at the port at all. Solving these problems is a simple prerequisite for the development of an industry that moves 90% of the world's trade. This is what opens up new digital stages in the never-ending development of this industry today. This article describes the technologies and prospects of this process.

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