Assessment IT Governance of Human Resources Information System Using COBIT 5

Johanes Fernandes Andry, Hartono Hartono, Aziza Zakir


The textile industry in Yogyakarta is one of the industries that manage the human resources in the field of information technology. As one way to achieve organizational goals that have human resources that are able to develop and provide benefits for the organizations. This study focuses on attendance information system in the textile industry located in Yogyakarta, which aims to get an overview how far the industry provides a timely and effective response to user requests of all types of incidents. Problem found by the researchers is the occurrence of inaccuracies data on the attendance, with these inaccurate results it will automatically affect the salary results are not accurate. In this research, the authors use the framework COBIT 5 and focus on the Deliver Service and Support (DSS) domain. Researchers chose a sub-domain DSS that is DSS02. The results of this research are found that sub-domains DSS02 get an average capability level is 2.4. The conclusion is the capability level obtained by the attendance information system is still below the expected level

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