Analysis of the virtualization of an ultramodern society in the context of solving the problem of multiparadigm sociology

O. A. Ignatjeva, A. V. Pletnev


Sociological theories that offer a holistic interpretation of society have not been developed in recent decades. Instead of development, we observe the coexistence of conflicting paradigms or the rejection of the search for truth. In case of refusal from the possibility of gaining holistic knowledge about the social world, sociologists simply take all existing paradigms into account. The described trends allow us to consider the situation of multiparadigmality as a deep crisis of sociological knowledge. The causes of this crisis are the fallacy of at least some of the theories that interpret society. Our analysis of the development trends of an ultramodern virtualizing society made it possible to establish the cause of this crisis. The idea proposed by Jean Baudrillard to contrast social reality with socially unrealistic phenomena (simulators) is fundamentally wrong. The fallacy of Baudrillard's paradigm becomes apparent through an analysis of elementary sociological concepts. Baudrillard's idea became a false foundation, which led to the fallacy of the postmodern sociology based on it, whose ideas were deeply rooted in the whole world culture. The true reason for the change in society is the formation of a new type of economic culture or a new formation - neocapitalism. Neocapitalism is based on symbolic, status consumption. The processes of virtualization are not the essence of the new sociality, but the sphere of implementation of neocapitalism

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