Development of voluntary distributed computing projects based on roadmaps and multi-parameter assessments

V. N. Yakimets, I. I. Kurochkin


Desktop grid systems have been used to solve scientific problems for more than twenty years. The use of computing resources of volunteers allows you to organize distributed systems consisting of tens and hundreds of thousands of nodes. The computational capabilities of such systems are comparable to modern supercomputers. Deployment and maintenance of voluntary distributed computing projects is a complex set of works. For the planned development of the voluntary distributed computing (VDC) project, a roadmap is needed that will reflect a specific methodology for the development of the project. Based on a survey of the volunteer community on the multi-parameter evaluation of VDC projects, a methodology for the development of a particular project is proposed. Four approaches to the formation of a roadmap for the development of the VDC project on the basis of selected targets are proposed. The results of multi-parameter assessments of VDC projects by the volunteer community in 2016-2018 are discussed. On the example of the project VDC Gerasim@home shows the choice of targets and approach to the formation of the project roadmap. The dynamics of multi-parameter assessments of the project for two years is shown.

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