Linking indicators in a model for assessing the quality of complex objects based on definitions of concepts

Stanislav Mikoni


When constructing a hierarchical structure of indicators of a complex object, the problem of establishing links between generalized and particular indicators is solved. The problem of the ambiguity of the interpretation of the concepts corresponding to them is solved by improving the quality of their definitions. The fulfillment of system requirements for the definition of a concept is checked against the actual structure of the keywords of the definition. Lists of semantic valences are proposed for concepts related to the categories of subject and process. The identification of the essential features of a concept with the actants of its keywords simplifies the formation of the concept's content. A procedure is proposed for establishing relations between generalized and particular concepts based on formal operations on their contents. The proposed approach is illustrated by practical examples. The use of formal rules reduces the subjectivity of building hierarchical structures of indicators of complex objects. The article represents the further development of a case study, the first results of which are published in the materials of the international scientific conference Internet and Modern Society (IMS-2018 and IMS-2019) and the International Seminar “Computer Linguistics”.

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ISSN: 2307-8162