Redesign The Heavy Equipment Company’s Business Processes Based on EAP Using The Zachman Framework

Leonard Davinci, Johanes Fernandes Andry


Heavy Equipment Company is one of the heavy equipment rental companies in Indonesia which is engaged in services, specifically road construction, this company also provides rental of heavy equipment and buying and selling heavy equipment spare parts. To be able to improve the company's business processes for the better, the company can implement SI / IT in its business processes. The application of IS / IT must be planned carefully so that it can help the company achieve its vision and mission. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is one method that can be used to do planning in helping to take advantage of the implementation of IS / IT. In this study, EAP will be linked to the Zachman Framework to complement its planning results. This research will produce a number of recommendations for the application of EAP results that can be implemented and help run the business processes found in the company.

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ISSN: 2307-8162