Using Students’ Data to Improve the Quality of the Education in Moroccan Institution

Mohammed Aitdaoud, Khalil Namir, Mohssine Bentaib, Rachida Ihya, Soufiane Bouiti, Mohammed Talbi


The goal of every company and public sector organization is to provide quality service to their customers and make them satisfied. However, as we move to-wards a more connected world where technology has been integrated into the business process, handling data has become more complicated. Today, businesses and High School Institutions (HSI) face one of the biggest challenge, which is characterized by the exponential growth of data storage in various formats such as plain text, relational database, etc.

This massive data can be used to improve decision making and management, which requires proper extracting and cleaning methods. For that reason, data warehousing has become a major step in the knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process which can guarantee a solid description of concepts and methods for transforming transactional data into analytical data formats. The aim of this paper is to provide a way to support and understand the educational processes of a HSI by offering a new description to data and making it more venerable using visualization techniques. We used four different datasets for this study throughout the years (from 2012 to 2016), which was collected from a HSI Enterprise resource planning (ERP) database.

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