Some aspects of group management of multicomponent system objects based on bioinspired algorithms

V.V. Nechaev, D.V. Minyaylo


The article presents the issues of controlling complex multicomponent dynamic systems on the example of groups of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Currently, all the important functions are obtained by the UAV control groups, so that the functionality of an individual object is limited by its radius of action, energy resource, set of functions performed. These features allow you to perform various functionalities. The main tasks of the group management system are to ensure the possibility of automated planning of actions of objects in accordance with the chosen strategy, as well as the development of a strategy for the exchange of information between the objects of the system. Advanced information is a key element in collective management strategies in groupings. Multicomponent algorithms can be used to control systems, as well as the possibility of using some bioinspired algorithms. The considered combinations of methods and control algorithms may allow a more detailed design when developing control systems for large groups taking into account various external and internal factors.

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