From the history of the digital energy industry of the EU or energy consumption close to zero - the transition of EU regulatory decisions to the ontologies of energy, BIM, and buildings

Alexander Klimov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Igor Ponkin, Marina Korol, Andrey Akimov


This article is devoted to digital energy. Today, a European building is responsible for approximately 40% of energy consumption, 36% of CO2 emissions and 55% of electricity consumption. Consequently, a balanced system is needed not only for passive energy saving in buildings, but also for creating conditions for their active participation in the energy sector. EU directives encourage the use of info-communication and intelligent technologies to ensure the efficient operation of buildings and the introduction of building automation and control systems as an alternative to physical inspections. Intellectual technologies are promoted, for example, through the installation requirements for automation systems and building management and devices that regulate the temperature at the room level. Info-communication and intellectual technologies have a great potential to reduce energy consumption in buildings up to 25-30% of the existing levels or almost zero energy consumption. The main information tools for the implementation of these provisions were formalized ontologies. One of the basic has become BIM (Building Information Modeling), the consistent application of which determines the process of creating and managing information in digital form throughout the entire life cycle of a building. The article discusses EU projects related to BIM and aimed at developing the ability to integrate building information and creating an environment for collaboration.

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