Digital twins’ introduction as one of the major directions of industrial digitalization

Nadеzhda Kurganova, Мichael Filin, Dmitry Cherniaev, Artem Shaklein, Dmitry Namiot


This article observes one of the vital directions of industrial digitalization. It is a smart decision for virtual setting of static and dynamic data of a technological system, generally called a “digital twin”. The technology not only allows an operator to get data through API but also makes decisions based on machine learning considering production processes. Thus less number of personnel is required. Autonomy, reliability and stability of technological system are possibly boosted. An order of how the technology works is sorted out stepwise. Each step is illustrated with the examples of technical facilities used and goals achieved. The authors also have studied researches on digitalization of the railway which can be integrated in the observed technology later. The article presents a brief overview of program solutions used in the concept of digital twin. The article states conditions and problems of digital twins integration in the world and in Russia in particular. The authors considered such modern technologies as the Internet of Things, Edge Analytics and Big Data. The existing literature written by Russian and foreign researchers working in the field of digital twins has been referred to.

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