Transformation of Business Models in the Digital Economy

A.V. Olifirov, K.A. Makoveichuk, S.A. Petrenko


The article examines the transformation of business models in the digital economy. It has been determined that the digital economy is characterized by an increase in the share of knowledge, innovation, an increase in the share of services and intangible assets. Analyzed various approaches to the construction of business models. Considered changing business models on the example of e-commerce. It is noted that modern technologies and the virtual environment transform the trading business model in all its components: consumer segments, value propositions, distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, cost structure. Characteristics of these components in virtual communities are given: clients are users of a social network in which they are offered platforms for communication, the goods and services, community currency with bank guarantees, virtual meetings on the network, income can be provided by own platform of advertise, by subscription model, by customer relationships. The growing role of SMM tools with the personalization of individual participants involved in online virtual communities, used to draw attention to a brand or product, is highlighted. The key resources of cognitive information technologies implemented in virtual communities are avatar (public graphical representation of the user) and collective competence (the ability of the group to work together and lead to the creation of a collective result). A graphical interpretation of the business model in the form of MindMap, a structural map of the presentation of organizational knowledge, was performed using the MindMeister system. It is shown that the level at which Internet technologies are used in trade enterprises depends on the relative maturity of the Internet enterprise, its consumers, the list of goods and services provided. With this in mind, retailers open up full-fledged online stores that repeat and complement catalogs of offline sales points, ensure the use of improved communication and access to new markets. Omnichannel retail business model allows you to provide an integrated approach to the buyer, in which he chooses the most optimal channel for making a purchase.

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