IT Governance at Financial Technology Company using COBIT 4.1 Framework And Balanced Scorecard Perspective
PT. Walepay Finansial Teknologi (Walepay) is a Financial Technology Company. In this company, the author wants to know how good Walepay implemented IT Governance. With COBIT 4.1 and Balanced Scorecard, the author will measure the maturity level. The author will measure in AI Domain. There are 7 processes in AI domain, such as Identify Automated Solutions, Acquire and Maintain Application Software, Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure, Enable Operation and Use, Procure IT Resource, Manage Changes, and Install and Accredit Solutions and Changes. For Balanced Scorecard, the author uses Financial Perspective and Customer Perspective. The highest score of Maturity level is 3.2 at AI5 Domain, the lowest score is 2.2 at AI3 Domain, and the average score of all AI Domain is 2.68 in the Defined Level. Recommendations for AI Domain from the author are Walepay need to improve about the acquire and implementation in the company especially about how to maintain technology infrastructure for the future, and also give attention to identifying the automated solution in more advance. For balanced scorecard, Walepay is good in financial perspective, but not good enough in a customer perspective.
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