Analysis of mechanisms for detection prohibited content on the Internet

A.A. Frolov, D.S. Silnov, A.M. Sadretdinov


In this article was researched such an issue as prohibited content spreading in the Internet network and a research of the mechanisms for detecting this content on web pages. An analysis is made of existing solutions in this area, including legislative measures that ensure the process of removing prohibited content from the resource or restricting access to it, information from reports of organizations that restrict access to prohibited resources or individual pages of these resources, which indicates an increase in the total number of prohibited contents on the network. The results of the analysis of existing methods for detecting prohibited content are presented, on the basis of which decisions are made on the need to develop new approaches to the detection of this content. Great attention is paid to the problem of protecting children on the Internet, as well as the problem of distributing prohibited content through hidden networks and other threats to network users arising from these networks. We describe an experiment that was conducted to analyze the content of web resources in order to improve the quality of detection mechanisms for prohibited content on the Internet and the Darknet network. During the experiment, a software module was developed to extract and process Web pages, which made markup of the web page with special markers to separate the content of the web document into groups. The data obtained from the results of the experiment contain the results of testing the developed module and examples of its operation. The final part of the article contains a set of methods that the author intends to use in future studies, in which it is planned to develop a software package for making decisions about the presence of prohibited content on the Internet web resources.

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