Electronic Governance Model as Feedback Mechanism in Smart City Concept

Andrei V. Chugunov


The article presents the author's approach to the study of electronic governance (E-Governance) from the institutional theory standpoint in context of Smart Cities projects development.

A publications review devoted to this topic suggests that, although the “smart cities” discourse is actively used in the official documents and programs development aimed at developing the urban environment, the academic discourse does not develop a common understanding of this phenomenon and its specific elements.

The article provides a basic definition of electronic control and describes the institutional model of this multi-factor phenomenon. The model assumes the division of the institutional picture into two groups: the institutions of power (presidential, legislative, executive, judicial, regional government, local government and subordinate organizations); - other social institutions. In the presented model, the so-called "New" (electronic) institutional entities: E-Government; Electronic business environment (E-Business); The electronic environment that provides the functioning of institutions that are not related to power and business (E-Society).

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