Modern Approaches to Numerical Modeling of Microseismic Events
The study considers the actual issue of improving the accuracy of mapping in fracturing using microseismic monitoring. The given question is first of all in connection with increasing volume of hydraulic fracturing at the development of modern hydrocarbon deposits. In this regard, it is necessary to develop methodological recommendations for conducting fieldwork in order to obtain the most informative results.
The authors of the paper used full-wave three-dimensional modeling of seismic emission from a point source simulating energy radiation in the course of fracture development. Several surface and borehole monitoring systems have been modeled to register emerging elastic waves, the most common now in practice.
Simulation of a single source made it possible to obtain typical seismograms for different observation systems. Analysis of the results under different reception conditions makes it possible to examine the specific wave fields and analyze the main advantages and disadvantages of different observation systems.
The model results show that the maximum informativeness is achieved by a surface patch system that provides a wide observation aperture and a higher signal level against background noise.
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