Blockchain as a new technology for development
Currently, there is a local digitalization, in this regard, the Blockchain technology is becoming more popular. This technology is of interest to many industries in Europe and beyond. As nongym innovation in Informatics, the blockchain becomes a global, cross-sectoral technology, which Pro-glaziruetsya, promotes the growth of the world economy over the next several decades.
Since the early 1990s, experiments with blockchain technology have been carried out, but it became widespread only in 2008, after the release of the White Book, to be picked up by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The first known blockchain technology developed was the Bitcoin protocol, which is also the name of the first widely used, decentralized cryptocurrency. The term blockchain is becoming more popular among the population and is automatically associated with the" block chain " and bitcoin platform.
Blockchain is fast becoming publicly available, and yet the technology remains difficult for many people to understand.
The paper defines Blockchain technology from the author's point of view. The main principles of the technology are analyzed, the structure of the register is presented. It describes the types of records that the blockchain uses for storage, such as transactions, smart contracts, digital signatures and certificates.
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