Understanding the Ambient Assisted Living systems: concepts, architectural trends and challenges

Amina El murabet, Anouar Abtoy


As a novel field of research AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) is still lacking a common understanding. The field is devoted to serve elder people and those with special disabilities to make their daily life tasks easier and controllable. Many efforts have been done to develop reliable systems capable of responding to the needs of the stakeholders in acceptable budget. The reusability, the integration and the implementation issues are the main concerns of the developers. For this purpose, this paper addresses the AAL systems due to their importance in the technological and societal fields.  We highlight the need and urge for such systems. We also define various aspects of AAL such as the field itself and the related applications. The technical view of ALL systems will be given, along with the technologies and the tools. We discuss also in this paper the AAL architectural trends and the systems’ requirements. Finally, we investigate some of the challenges facing the developments of AAL.

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