On the effects of formalized ontologies in the data economy - the EU experience

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Yuri Volokitin, Igor Ponkin, Sergey Sinyagov, Dmitry Namiot, Andrey Dobrynin


The article is devoted to the application of formalized ontologies in the digital economy. The article examines several large projects implemented in the European Union. The first part of the article deals with Internet Things, robotic systems, and Smart Cities. Next, we are talking about cross-border services, the necessary ontological digital ontology blocks for which solve the problems of unambiguous and convenient digital identification of market subjects, support for reliable automatic translation of data and documents, support for electronic invoices and invoices that must be correlated with European standards, support digital signatures. Also, the work considers significant investments of the European Union funds in the process of digitizing the process of public procurement (called e-procurement). The e-Procurement project will further develop the ontology of e-procurement as part of the joint efforts of key stakeholders with the overall goal of overcoming fragmentation, which hinders the interoperability between e-procurement systems. The ultimate goal of the ontology of e-procurement is the development of a coherent OWL-ontology that will conceptualize, formally encode and provide access to open, structured and machine-readable public procurement data formats that cover end-to-end purchases, i.e. from notification, by bidding for the award, order, invoicing and payment.

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