Prospects for the introduction of blockchain technology into a modern system of education
The modern development of the digital economy has led to the practical implementation of the digital transformation of all human activity aspects, including both the productive and social spheres. Currently, technologies are developing very rapidly and the volume of information received, transmitted and stored is constantly increasing. In this connection, the Big Date technology becomes popular, which allows to work with large volumes of data, due to which the popularity is acquired by the new technology blokchain.
According to the existing categorization, it is possible to single out three conditional application areas of the specified technology: blockchain 1.0 is a currency; blockchain 2.0 is the contracts; blockchain 3.0 is an application, the scope of which goes beyond financial transactions and markets. The latter category includes the blockchain in education.
The paper describes the existing process of issuing diplomas on education in the Russian Federation and, alternatively, a modern approach with the use of end-to-end blockchain technology is proposed. A work model of blockchain technology in education and the mechanism of its application are presented. There are several directions for the development of education on the basis of blockchain technology such as: confirmation of the authenticity of education documents, a student's personal card, confirmation of the educational organization accreditation, intellectual property, identification of students.
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