On the complexities of cyberprotection of information systems

Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Vladimir Sukhomlin, Dmitry Namiot


The article deals with issues related to cybersecurity for information systems. In this paper, information systems are considered, which are built, basically, according to the Zachman model. The main idea of the model is to provide the possibility of sequential description of each individual aspect of the system in coordination with all the others. For any sufficiently complex system, the total number of links, conditions, and rules usually exceeds the possibilities for simultaneous consideration. At the same time, separate, in isolation from others, consideration of each aspect of the system often leads to suboptimal decisions, both in terms of productivity and the cost of implementation. According to this model, many attempts have been made in the world to create complex information systems - from the largest corporations to electronic governments. In this article, as an example, the project of modernization of the management of cyber defense of the DISN network (Defense Information System Network) of the US Defense Ministry was chosen. Also in the work, the language SysML is considered. It is a clone of the UML language, which allows designing hardware and software systems. Consideration concerns new diagrams from the specification of this language: requirements, external and internal blocks, time, parametric.

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