Robots, autonomous robotic systems, artificial intelligence and the transformation of the market of transport and logistics services in the digitalization of the economy

Igor Sokolov, Alexander Misharin, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Oleg Pokusaev, Yulia Kupriyanovsky


The processes of digital transformation of global and national economies have become one of the urgent topics of modern interdisciplinary research. The use of digital data is becoming a key factor in production, allows the creation of new business models and provides powerful competitive advantages for companies in the global and regional markets. According to many experts, robots, robotic systems, and artificial intelligence will become the main drivers of the digital transformation of the economy. This work is a continuation and detailing of our previous research in the field of artificial intelligence, discussion of possible state approaches to the development priorities of the digital economy in Russia and the EEA countries, as well as the use of digital technologies in transport

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