Modern EU research projects and the digital security ontology of Europe
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Deliverable D2.6 “Business and Technical Requirements (revised)” RECRED 26/07/2017 (184 str.)
Deliverable D2.7 “Reference architecture - revised” RECRED 27-07-2017 (98 str.)
D3.1 “Description of DCA protocols and technology support” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (74 str.)
Deliverable D3.2 “Multifactor authentication for DCA: user-todevice and device-to-network support” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (85 str.)
Deliverable D3.3 “Description of DCA protocols and technology support (revised)” RECRED 31/7/2017 (114 str.)
Deliverable D3.4 “Multifactor authentication for DCA: user-todevice and device-to-network support (revised)” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (50 str.)
Deliverable D4.1 “Identity Consolidator Baseline Platform” RECRED 2017-07-31 (91 str.)
Deliverable D4.2 “Full Identity Consolidator and Attributes Acquisition” RECRED 01-08-2017 (192 str.)
Deliverable D4.3 “Online identity and profile management” RECRED 2017-07-31 (73 str.)
Deliverable D5.1 “Specification and Initial Design of the ABAC Infrastructure” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (88 str. )
[1323] Deliverable D5.2 “Full Design and Prototype of the ABAC Infrastructure” RECRED 31/07/2017 (140 str.)
Deliverable 7.1 “HCI concept testing on user groups” RECRED 19.07.2017 (50 str.)
Deliverable D7.2 “Campus-wide Wi-Fi and web services access control pilot set up” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (60 str.)
Deliverable D7.3 “All Four Pilots Initial Setup & Progressing” RECRED 25/08/2017 (73 str.)
Deliverable D8.2 “Dissemination material including website” RECRED 31.07.2017 (16 str.)
Deliverable D8.3 “First dissemination report” RECRED 2017-07-31 (30 str.)
Deliverable D8.4 “Second dissemination report” RECRED 2017-07-31 (31 str.).
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Abava Кибербезопасность ИБП для ЦОД
ISSN: 2307-8162