Modern EU research projects and the digital security ontology of Europe

Igor Sokolov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Namiot, Vladimir Sukhomlin, Oleg Pokusaev, Alexander Lavrov, Yuri Volokitin


The article deals with issues related to cybersecurity in the digital economy. This paper provides a survey of research projects funded by the European Community, which address various issues of cybersecurity. The authors of the article believe that it will be useful for Russian researchers in this field to become familiar with the practice of the EU in this direction. Much attention is paid to the work on the creation of practical ontologies. Their results are published for wide discussion and practical use. The developed formal ontologies in artificial languages can be joined together and are designed to ensure the compatibility of data and applications, as well as their transparency throughout life cycles. It is the ontological approach that allows to calculate the basic control indicators of projects and, for example, to guarantee the fulfillment of the declared business rules.

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Deliverable D2.6 “Business and Technical Requirements (revised)” RECRED 26/07/2017 (184 str.)

Deliverable D2.7 “Reference architecture - revised” RECRED 27-07-2017 (98 str.)

D3.1 “Description of DCA protocols and technology support” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (74 str.)

Deliverable D3.2 “Multifactor authentication for DCA: user-todevice and device-to-network support” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (85 str.)

Deliverable D3.3 “Description of DCA protocols and technology support (revised)” RECRED 31/7/2017 (114 str.)

Deliverable D3.4 “Multifactor authentication for DCA: user-todevice and device-to-network support (revised)” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (50 str.)

Deliverable D4.1 “Identity Consolidator Baseline Platform” RECRED 2017-07-31 (91 str.)

Deliverable D4.2 “Full Identity Consolidator and Attributes Acquisition” RECRED 01-08-2017 (192 str.)

Deliverable D4.3 “Online identity and profile management” RECRED 2017-07-31 (73 str.)

Deliverable D5.1 “Specification and Initial Design of the ABAC Infrastructure” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (88 str. )

[1323] Deliverable D5.2 “Full Design and Prototype of the ABAC Infrastructure” RECRED 31/07/2017 (140 str.)

Deliverable 7.1 “HCI concept testing on user groups” RECRED 19.07.2017 (50 str.)

Deliverable D7.2 “Campus-wide Wi-Fi and web services access control pilot set up” RECRED Start Date May 1st, 2015 (60 str.)

Deliverable D7.3 “All Four Pilots Initial Setup & Progressing” RECRED 25/08/2017 (73 str.)

Deliverable D8.2 “Dissemination material including website” RECRED 31.07.2017 (16 str.)

Deliverable D8.3 “First dissemination report” RECRED 2017-07-31 (30 str.)

Deliverable D8.4 “Second dissemination report” RECRED 2017-07-31 (31 str.).


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ISSN: 2307-8162