On development of transport and logistics industries in the European Union: open BIM, Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Vyacheslav Alenkov, Alexey Stepanenko, Oleg Pokusaev, Dmitry Katzin, Andrey Akimov, Nikita Utkin, Yuri Volokitin, Dmitry Namiot, Mikhail Shakhramanyan, Irina Vlasova


The article deals with the development of transport and logistics industries in the European Union (EU). The article deals with such tools as open BIM, Internet applications Things and a more general direction - cyber-physical systems. The importance of infrastructure management is noted in the paper. It is noted that the state of infrastructures is a deterrent factor to the development of transport and logistics. And the problems of managing these infrastructures, both operationally and in the life cycle of assets, in order to maximize economic and other benefits, are the main target of introducing new information technologies in the transport and logistics industry. At the same time, all decisions should take into account the development of modern digital and other technologies and the integration of all modes of transport. Particular attention is paid to ontological and semantic systems of standardization.

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