Mathematical modeling of organization management by value guidelines: a method for setting optimization problems

Boris Melnikov, Tatyana Zubova


The paper proposes an approach to the formulation of optimization tasks designed to model the organization’s management of value guidelines. In our approach, the development of a conceptual scheme presupposes: the formation of a list of values and their specification in accordance with the indicated levels of expression of value orientations; definition of indicators of their manifestation; formation of a mathematical apparatus for managing efficiency based on value orientations. The implementation of the model begins with the formation of a matrix of the influence of managerial actions on system parameters. With the help of fuzzy logic, we are building the vector of organizational orientation that determines the optimal development of the organization; for this purpose, we set in advance values that correspond to several values. Such values represent the coordinates for different axes for each of the landmarks, with the value of each coordinate corresponding to the degree of significance of the value being characterized. The degree of significance for a particular organization is determined with the help of expert assessments, and there arises the problem of reconciling the assessments. To solve this problem, we propose to build a landmark graph, to assess the degree of its balance in accordance with the Harary criterion, and if this balance exceeds a certain threshold, we declare the expert group insolvent and suggest taking any organizational decisions. And in the case when the threshold is not exceeded, we get a class of optimization problems, which we plan to consider in the next publication.

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Abava  Кибербезопасность MoNeTec 2024

ISSN: 2307-8162