Quake heap

V.K. Gulakov, K.V. Gulakov


The article is devoted to one of the varieties of pyramidal data structures widely used in solving various problems. Issues improving of software productivity due to use effective pyramidal data structures are discussed. A brief overview of pyramidal structures knowledge development shows regularity of the appearance such structures as a quake heap, which allows performing basic operations on data with minimal complexity. The article gives a detailed description of quake heap structure and gives examples of operations on it and its complexity. It is indicated to feature of improving efficiency due to use the corresponding coefficient. Comparison of the theoretical complexity operations over various pyramidal structures with operations over a quake heap indicates that it is not inferior in efficiency to most popular and effective pyramids, but differs relative simplicity and the ability to restore its effective structure after many operations. The article outlines the ways of its experimental research in various situations and practical problems.

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