Russian-Tatar Socio-political Thesaurus: Publishing in the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud

A. Galieva, A. Kirillivich, N. Loukachevitch, O. Nevzorova, D. Suleymanov, D. Yakubova


The paper discusses the main principles and practical aspects of implementing a new bilingual lexical resource - the Russian-Tatar socio-political thesaurus and its publishing in the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud (LLOD). This thesaurus is developed on the basis of the Russian RuThes thesaurus format which is built as a hierarchy of concepts. Each concept has a unique name and a set of language expressions that refer to it in texts. The authors discuss the general methodology of translating concept names and their text entries, as well as ways of reflecting the specificity of the Tatar lexical-semantic system. The models and ontologies of the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud are considered. The paper gives the description of the constructed resource as a set of linked data in the LLOD format.

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