Telecommunications as a decisive link in the digital economy. Experience of the USA

Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Namiot, Sergey Seleznev


This article is the first in a series of papers devoted to the role of telecommunications in the digital economy. By all indications, it is telecommunications that will play a decisive role in the digital economy. The world's telecom companies have the same task - how to completely replace switching channels infrastructure to switching packets. The difficulties of the transfer from circuit switching to packet switching are illustrated by examples from the experience of US telecommunications networks, namely FirstNet's first-aid network, emergency service NG911 and the Pentagon's defense information network. Nowadays, we have more and more facts that both technologies will continue to coexist for a long time. This raises doubts about the expediency of changing the telecommunications paradigm. 

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