Web of Things and Internet of Things in the Digital Economy

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Dmitry Namiot, Sergey Seleznev, Sergey Sinyagov, Julia Kupriyanovsky


The article examines the place in the digital economy for such areas as Internet of Things, Network of Things and Web of Things. The basis for this article has been formed from research of the institute of standards NIST and the consortium W3C. The paper addresses the issues of cyber security of the Internet Things, international standardization, and programming of the Internet of Things. In the section on standardization, we consider the term "network of things" introduced by NIST. Also, primitives for networks of things, such as sensors, aggregators, communication channels, external devices, and decision triggers are analyzed in details. In the section on programming, the paper discusses W3C suggestions on the use of web technologies – Web of Things. This approach is designed to eliminate fragmentation in the standards of developing Internet of Things applications. The article concludes with a discussion of the key role of information and communication technologies in the digital economy.

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