Tasks Scheduling in Private Cloud Based on Levels of Users

Mohammed Fadhil


In private cloud computing, tasks scheduling algorithms play a major role in the performance of the cloud system and the Quality of Services (QoS) that is provided to users. But, most current algorithms usually neglect the existence of different types / levels of users who working in the same institution. Tasks scheduling algorithm named Best-Level-Job-First (BLJF) has been proposed in this paper which takes into consideration the levels of users in the institution, in addition to the other commonly used parameters in scheduling tasks, when arranging the tasks of users in the queue for execution by the private cloud. The user level in the institution has been added as a new parameter to the set of parameters commonly used in the scheduling algorithms that are implemented by the private cloud providers. Performance tests showed that the BLJF algorithm succeeded in giving the QoS required for each user by distinguishing between them on the basis of levels of users.

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