Smart Cities: models, tools, rankings, and standards

Vladimir Drozhzhinov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Namiot, Sergey Sinyagov, Andrei Kharitonov


In this paper, we discuss the models, tools, and rankings in the domain of smart cities. We describe models, which served as the basis for standardization of Smart Cities. The familiarity with these questions lets users evaluate and understand the origins and status of standardization in the field of Smart Cities. This standardization covers various aspects of design, organization, and operation of the smart city. The paper shows the role of the Internet of Things platform in smart cities and outlines different approaches to the implementation of its own platform of Smart Cities. The paper compares the proposed international standards with approaches prevailing at the present time in domestic practice. As a result, the article concludes with a presentation of standards relating to information and communication technologies smart city. In the future, the authors suggest more research on other layers of the standardization of smart cities (digital economy, urban operating system, energy, travel standards for pedestrians and cyclists, the environment and others).

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