Performance Metrics for Distributed IT Teams: Adapting Traditional Indicators for Hybrid and Remote Work

Anatolii Yu. Bobunov, Vadim N. Grepan, Vered Sheinman, Vadim I. Goncharov


This article explores the specific metrics for evaluating the performance of distributed IT teams operating in remote and hybrid environments. The study analyzes the adaptation of traditional performance indicators for effective application in distributed work, including metrics for task completion speed, quality, level of interaction, and employee engagement. An online survey was conducted with over 2000 IT professionals to identify the most significant performance metrics. The analysis of the collected data revealed that, for distributed teams, the key metrics include indicators related to work quality, process transparency, and communication efficiency. The study highlights that a comprehensive approach to performance evaluation, considering the specific characteristics of distributed work, enables more accurate measurement of team effectiveness and identification of areas for improvement.

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