Website development for small town museums: a case study of the work with a potential audience

I. I. Tolstikova, M. I. Shubinsky


The article examines the issues of communication between small-town museums with real, potential and target audiences and presents the results of the study of seventeen small-town museums websites in Russia with a population of less than 120,000 people according to four groups of criteria: site convenience, functionality, site content, and user interaction. Evaluation of the site orientation to all three types of museum audiences seems important for determining whether the website meets the needs of its users and should be part of an ongoing process, from the initial concept to long-term maintenance and development. The article examines two groups of potential audiences of museums of small Russian towns - children, as well as parents and teachers. The conducted study showed the insufficient development of museum websites of small Russian towns. Despite the fact that children and school audiences are the most numerous, and visits are made as part of organized groups or with parents, specialized sections of sites for children and for parents are not presented on are not presented on many of the studied websites. Given that individual visitors do not have the opportunity to learn about children's programs in advance, potential visitors to museum exhibits often turn into excluded visitors and the museum loses its audience.

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