Urban Emotions and Digital Engagement: Modeling Motivation for Using Urban Services Based on Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Posts and Comment

A. V. Chizhik


The article explores the possibilities of analyzing the social sentiment of urban residents through the tone of posts and comments on social media, with the aim of further evaluating the effectiveness of urban environment functionality and developing a motivation model for using digital urban services. The paper describes a developed method for assessing the sentiment of texts from social networks, taking into account their contextual content. The study demonstrates that topic modeling combined with sentiment analysis is well-suited for this task, establishing the relationship between "emotions — social sphere — urban area." However, accurately identifying emotions remains a significant challenge, as social media texts often contain colloquial expressions, sarcasm, and cultural nuances. This highlights the necessity of considering the context of residents' statements to properly evaluate the sentiment of their messages. The outcome of the research is a method and a developed formula that enables the identification of emotions based on various factors while accounting for context. The study revealed a connection between social sentiment and the propensity of urban residents to engage with municipal services via online communication. The article also describes the created motivation model for the use of digital urban services.

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