Automated Systems for Information Processing and Control
This article discusses the issues of constructing a mathematical model and database of an information system, as well as the organization of the educational process of students in a school robotics club. During the work, the subject area was analyzed and the LEGO Builder system and the Stepik online course platform were considered, their advantages and disadvantages were identified. The formulation and methods for solving mathematical problems are described. The algorithms "Selecting a task by the student's level" and "Maintaining student statistics" are presented in the form of block diagrams. The conceptual and logical design of a relational database is demonstrated. As a result, the forms of the initial menu, training levels, student profile and a table with statistical data of the information system for teaching children robotics are presented. Based on the results of the research and development, the conclusion is made about the relevance of developing systems for teaching children robotics in connection with the widespread use of artificial intelligence.
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