Decision Support System for Determining Aid Priorities for Flood Victims Using the SMART Method Based on Android
These The flood disaster that occurred in several sub-districts in Tangerang city requires immediate assistance from the Tangerang City Social Service and the Disaster Management Agency. The Tangerang City Social Service, in collaboration with the Disaster Management Agency and the provincial government, provides aid in the form of food, medicine, and other relief supplies. Due to the limited number of relief personnel, a Decision Support System is needed to assist flood victims. The SMART method (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique) and the Flodis Help application can be applied in this process. This research resulted in the Flodis Help application using the SMART method as a decision support system for providing aid to flood victims. The system's output includes a map of flood-affected areas, a priority aid list, victims' needs, access to the nearest hospitals, and flood relief posts. The application’s output provides guidance to help the government and humanitarian organizations deliver aid quickly, accurately, and equitably.
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