Analysis of adversarial attacks on image segmentation systems
The article discusses image segmentation methods and the problems associated with adversarial attacks on these systems. It is necessary to ensure the security of such systems, since segmentation is widely used in various computer vision tasks and can be a weak point in critical applications. An overview of different types of segmentation is presented,
including image segmentation, semantic segmentation, and panoptic segmentation. Popular architectures of segmentation models are considered, such as FCN, U-Net, YOLO, Segment Anything and others. The article analyzes adversarial attacks on image segmentation systems, including both digital and physical attacks. Special attention is paid to methods and algorithms for creating adversarial examples. The aim of the work is to
attract the attention of the research community to the problem of security of segmentation systems, to develop new, state-of-the-art and more robust to adversarial attacks segmentation.
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