On the role and place of the institutional repository in the digital ecosystem of a scientific organization

Irina Filozova, Tatiana Zaikina


In any activity, a person is constantly faced with the need to search, process, store and transmit information. In the global social process of informatization of society, information is one of the main resources of its development, and information systems and technologies are used in all areas of human activity. Scientific information systems play an important role in science and education. In a broad sense, such systems are designed to automate scientific, scientific-educational and scientific-organizational activities of research teams. Systems alike are very diverse: there are general-purpose — used in all areas of science, and highly specialized — that have specific application in a particular subject area. This class of information systems includes, in particular, scientometric databases, automated library information systems, information systems for organizing and holding scientific conferences, information systems for collaborative work of researchers, Open Access Repositories (OAR), information systems for supporting current research (Current Research Information System, CRIS-systems), bibliographic managers, author identification systems. This paper examines a special type of scientific information systems — institutional publication repositories — and their place and role in the digital ecosystem of a large scientific organization.

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